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Morse Drum Cones

Morse Drum Cone (shown with optional Clamp Collar and Iris valve)
Morse Drum Cone (shown with optional Clamp Collar and Slide Gate valve)
Morse Iris Valve / Morse Slide Gate
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SKU: 5-VF-60-23


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Morse Drum Cones replace a drum’s lid and are designed to allow the user to control drum dispensing of dry material by converting the drum into a precise pouring instrument that can extend the reach of the pour by up to 15.5" (39.4 cm). Morse drum cones come standard with a valve flange to attach a pour valve. The drum cone is attached to the drum using a clamp collar (models with prefix 7). Pouring from a drum cone with valve flange may be controlled using a slide gate (model SG) or a 6” iris valve (model IV). A 6” extension tube (model XT) may be used to extend the reach of the drum cone by attaching to the drum cone’s valve flange or to an Iris valve. Morse drum cones are made of high quality carbon steel for years of reliable service.

The optional Slide Gate Valve (model SG) with 6" dia. opening is for use with coarse granulated material. NOT FOR USE WITH POWDERED MATERIAL. Drum cone with valve flange required.

The optional Iris Valve (model IV) with 6" max. dia. opening is recommend for use with fine or course granulated products having a maximum density of 60 Lb./ft3. Sleeve is made of 4 oz urethane coated nylon. Drum cone with valve flange required.


Morse 5-VF-45-23 & 5-VF-60-23 drum cones are built to order with a normal lead time to leave the warehouse of 15 business days.

All other models of drum cones are built to order with a normal lead time to leave the warehouse of 25 business days.





  • 45 degree and 60 degree angle drum cone models available
  • Various cone sizes available in addition to those shown in the chart below - please inquire
  • Works with steel & fiber drums
  • Allows for controlled drum dispensing of dry material
  • Easily stop and start material flow with optional slide gate or iris valve
  • All steel construction for years of dependable service
Morse Drum Cones :
5-VF-45-2345 Degree Drum Cone WITH VALVE FLANGE - Fits 23-3/8" O.D. Drum Rim Without Drum Lid (Std. 55 Gal Drum)35 LBS $490.00
5-VF-60-2360 Degree Drum Cone WITH VALVE FLANGE - Fits 23-3/8" O.D. Drum Rim Without Drum Lid (Std. 55 Gal Drum)35 LBS $490.00
5-VF-45-1945 Degree Drum Cone WITH VALVE FLANGE - Fits 19-1/8" O.D. Drum Rim Without Drum Lid35 LBS $490.00
5-VF-60-1960 Degree Drum Cone WITH VALVE FLANGE - Fits 19-1/8" O.D. Drum Rim Without Drum Lid35 LBS $490.00
5-VF-45-18.545 Degree Drum Cone WITH VALVE FLANGE - Fits 18-7/8" O.D. Drum Rim Without Drum Lid (Std. 30 Gal Drum)35 LBS $490.00
5-VF-60-18.560 Degree Drum Cone WITH VALVE FLANGE - Fits 18-7/8" O.D. Drum Rim Without Drum Lid (Std. 30 Gal Drum)35 LBS $490.00
7-23.0Clamp Collar - Secures Cone To 23-3/8" O.D. Drum Rim (Std. 55 Gal Drum)10 LBS $179.00
7-18.5Clamp Collar - Secures Cone To 18-7/8" O.D. Drum Rim (Std. 30 Gal Drum)10 LBS $179.00
IVIris Valve - 6" Dia., Aluminum Body10 LBS $1,076.00
SGSlide Gate Valve - 6" Dia. Opening5 LBS $173.00
XTExtension Tube - 5" Long x 6" Dia. Attaches to Valve Flange or Iris Valve. Not for use with Slide Gate Valve.5 LBS $229.00

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