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Presto XZT Floor Level Lift and Tilt Tables

Presto XZT Floor Level Lift and Tilt Table
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SKU: XZT44-20


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Presto XZT floor level lift and tilt tables allow the operator to lift and tilt containers, crates, boxes, skids and pallets weighing up to 2,000 or 4,000 LBS, depending on the model. These lift and tilt tables are designed to lift the load up to 33" high and tilt up to 30°, allowing the operator easy access to the load without bending down, and without the need for lifting equipment such as a fork truck or pallet stacker. Platform size is 44" x 48" or 50" x 48". The floor level design allows loading using a hand pallet truck. These Presto lift and tilt tables are all steel construction with durable enamel finish for a long service life.

Presto Tilters, models XZT44-20, XZT44-40, XZT50-20 and XZT50-40, are built to order with an estimated lead time to leave the warehouse of 6-8 weeks.



  • Max. tilt is 30°
  • 33" vertical travel
  • Internal 1HP 115/1/60 power unit
  • Pedestal control
  • Optional foot control available - contact HOF for pricing
  • Yellow safety edge protects workers in case of contact



Presto XZT Floor Level Lift and Tilt Tables:
SKUCapacity/Desc.Platform SizeLow | Raised HeightLifting SpeedOverall Size WxLWeightPriceQty
XZT44-202000 LBS44" x 48"3/8" | 33-3/8"39 sec68" x 61"1255 LBSRequest Quote in Cart
XZT50-202000 LBS50" x 48"3/8" | 33-3/8"40 sec74" x 61"1420 LBSRequest Quote in Cart
XZT44-404000 LBS44" x 48"1/2" | 33-1/2"43 sec68" x 61"1420 LBSRequest Quote in Cart
XZT50-404000 LBS50" x 48"1/2" | 33-1/2"44 sec74" x 61"1505 LBSRequest Quote in Cart

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