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Landscape Carts

Vestil LSC-2448-PT Platform Cart
Vestil LSC-2448-PT
Vestil LSC-2448-SC Two Shelf Cart
Vestil LSC-2448-TC Low Profile Tilt Cart
Vestil LSC-3052-PCW Landscape Cart
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SKU: LSC-2448-PT


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Vestil Landscape Carts, models LSC-2448-PT, LSC-2448-TC, LSC-2448-SC & LSC-3052-PCW, are ideal for transporting plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, and rocks. These Landscape carts have mesh sides and bottoms to allow dirt, water, and small rocks to fall through. Choose from a range of models with features such as two shelves or a low profile platform, to ensure you find the right model. All LSC landscape carts feature steel construction for durability and large pneumatic tires for maneuverability. Units ship knocked down. Assembly required.



  • Capacity: 300 LBS, 500 LBS, OR 1000 LBS available
  • Features either two shelves OR a low profile platform (depending on model)
  • Deck size: 24" W x 48"L OR 30"W x 46-1/2"L
  • Deck height: 5", 12", 14", OR 33"
  • Height of sides: 3/4", 1-3/4", 1-5/8" OR 7-1/2"
  • Wheel sizes: 10" x 3", 12-1/2" x 3-3/4" OR 16" x 4"
  • Made of all steel construction



Vestil Landscape Carts LSC-2448 Series:
SKUCapacity/Desc.Deck SizeHeight of SidesDeck HeightWheels SizeWeightPriceQty
LSC-2448-PT500 LBS / Platform Cart24" W x 48"L1-5/8"12"10" x 3"67 LBS $171.00
LSC-2448-TC500 LBS / Low Tilt Cart24" W x 48"L3/4"5"16" x 4"49 LBS $146.00
LSC-2448-SC300 LBS / Two Shelf Cart24" W x 48"L1-3/4"33"10" x 3"120 LBS $249.00
LSC-3052-PCW1000 LBS / Plastic Crate Cart30"W x 46-1/2"L7-1/2"14"12-1/2" x 3-3/4"75 LBS $277.00

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