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Endura-Veyor 2BD-48-4036 Hydraulic Box Dumper

Endura-Veyor Hydraulic Box Dumper
Endura-Veyor 2BD-48-4036
Optional Hand Control, Foot Control, & Gate Enclosure
Endura-Veyor Box Dumper
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SKU: 2BD-48-4036


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The Endura-Veyor 2BD-48-4036 Hydraulic Box Dumper is the ideal solution for applications that require dumping boxes, totes, crates, tilt trucks and carts weighing up to 2,000 LBS. The chute size is 40" wide x 36" long. Loading is accomplished at ground level via pallet jack, forklift, or cart. An adjustable steel retaining bar holds the container in the dumper during operation. Box dumper rotates up to a maximum of 135° providing a 45° dump angle and a 48” maximum dump height. Dumper may be stopped and re-started as many times as needed during up and down rotation. The main pivot bearings have a five-year warranty, are severe duty rated, and never need lubricating. The side mounted, easy access hydraulic power unit features a pressure gauge for detailed performance monitoring. The electrical panel is 460 volt, 3 phase, 60hz with 120 volt controls. This Endura-Veyor box dumper is constructed of structural steel with a durable polyester powder coat finish for years of reliable service.

The Endura-Veyor 2BD-48-4036 features an unlimited duty cycle allowing for unlimited stops and starts (per hour based on an 8 hour day), main pivot bearings that are severe rated with a 5 year warranty, and quick access side mounted hydraulic and electrical components.


To ensure that the best box dumper for your application is ordered, please view the drawing and complete the Box Dumper Survey located in Additional Info above.


The Endura-Veyor 2BD-48-4036 Hydraulic Box Dumper is built to order with an estimated lead time to leave the warehouse in 30 business days.



  • Unlimited duty cycle (dumper can run continuously without the need for a cool down period)
  • Max. Capacity is 2,000 LBS / Max. Dump Height is 48"
  • The max. chute rotation is 135° providing a 45° dump angle
  • Up/Down control buttons located on side of dumper (hand held pendant & foot control optional)
  • Adjustable retaining bar hold down range is 25" to 49" in 6" increments
  • Usable Chute is 40"W x 36"L and chute reach is 10⅝" when fully rotated
  • Overall Collapsed Height is 65" / Overall Rotated Height is 120½"
  • 460v 3 PH, 2 HP continuous duty motor fully raises the chute in 28 seconds. 230v 3PH, 208v 3PH, 575v 3PH, and 230v 1PH motor voltages available (please specify when ordering)
  • Gravity down lowers the unit.
  • Pressure gauge on power unit for performance monitoring
  • Main pivot bearings are warranted for 5 years, never need lubricating, & feature a severe duty rating
  • Heavy duty welded steel construction with polyester powder coat finish



  • Hand Pendant Control or Foot Pedal Control. THESE CONTROLS CANNOT BE ORDERED WITHOUT EV-GATE OPTION. Model EV-HC / EV-FC
  • Beveled chute edge. Infeed lip is beveled to a 45 degree angle for easier loading of containers with a hand truck or pallet jack - Model EV-BEV
  • Washdown Controls - Contact HOF for quote
  • Gated Enclosure With Door Interlock prevents the dumper from operating if gate door is opened. Includes back cover model EV-BC. Expanded metal frames are powder-coated yellow. Enclosure is customizable in stainless steel, with French style doors, or with a light curtain for faster loading and unloading - contact HOF for a quote. Model EV-GATE
  • Auto-Run Controls allow the dumper to complete one full dump cycle with single push of a button, selector switch allows for auto run or manual hold button mode, key switch and emergency stop button, includes one timed pause in dump cycle (additional timed pauses available with customization, contact HOF for custom pricing). AUTO-RUN CONTROLS CANNOT BE ORDERED WITHOUT EV-GATE OPTION. Model EV-ARC
  • Back Cover (bolt on) constructed of yellow powder-coated of 10 GA steel (also available in stainless steel). Protects the cylinders and hoses and reduces the risk of damage from materials migrating into the area under the chute - Model EV-BC
  • Power Unit Guard (bolt on) constructed of yellow powder-coated of 10 GA steel (also available in stainless steel). Protects the power unit from impact damage - Model EV-PG
  • Spring Loaded Hold Down Bar expedites removing & replacing the bar - Model EV-SLHB
  • Funnel Discharge Guide narrows chute discharge stream from 52" wide down to X" wide - Model EV-FDG
  • Faster Lift Speed includes a faster pump and larger motor to increase chute lift speed by 50% (also increase chute lower speed if unit has power down) - Model EV-FLS
  • Custom chute size, custom bottom of container hold down solutions instead of top of container hold down bar, stainless steel chute, stainless steel clad chute, stainless steel hold down bar, and FDA approved paint for chute exterior and frame available - Contact HOF for quote




Endura-Veyor Box Dumper:
SKUCapacity/Desc.Dump HeightWeightPriceQty
2BD-48-40362000 LBS48"1400 LBS $12,490.00
EV-HCHand Pendant Control (requires gated enclosure option EV-GATE)3 LBS $438.00
EV-FCFoot Pedal Control (requires gated enclosure option EV-GATE)5 LBS $438.00
EV-BEVBeveled chute edge. Infeed lip is beveled to a 45 degree angle. 0 LBS $250.00
EV-GATEGated Enclosure With Door Interlock (includes back cover model EV-BC)380 LBS $4,754.00
EV-ARCAuto-Run Controls (requires gated enclosure option EV-GATE)0 LBS $3,330.00
EV-BCBack Cover (bolt on)130 LBS $500.00
EV-PGPower Unit Guard (bolt on)65 LBS $313.00
EV-SLHBSpring Loaded Hold Down Bar25 LBS $406.00
EV-FDGFunnel Discharge Guide - Narrows Chute Discharge Stream20 LBS $313.00
EV-FLSFaster Lift Speed - Increases Chute Lift Speed By 50%15 LBS $763.00
EV-PDNPower Down0 LBS $750.00

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