Electric Chain Hoists Make Overhead Lifting Easy
- Published
- 02/04/2015
- Author
- Anonymous
- Electric chain hoist
Overhead lifting tasks can be difficult and are often among the most dangerous. Safety should be the number one priority any time an item or load is lifted into the air, regardless of the item’s weight or composition. Overhead lifting can be made easier and safer through the use of an overhead lifting hoist, which provides an efficient way to assist workers who regularly need to lift items.
HOF Equipment Company offers a wide range of electric chain hoists designed to make overhead lifting a snap. Here’s a quick overview:
Heights and Functionality
Lift heights range from 6 feet to 15 feet depending on the model. We carry economical single lift speed electric hoists and variable lift speed models with speeds beginning at 3.5 feet-per-minute.
Electric chain hoists are more than powerful enough to get the job done with models that can lift 1,000 lbs. to 10,000 lbs. A popular single speed model is the Vestil H-4000-3 which can hoist up to 4,000 pounds fifteen feet into the air. Single phase and three phase power models are available to meet your facilities power output.
Benefits of Chain Hoists
Chain hoists are durable tools designed to stand up to rugged use. They require little maintenance and deliver vertical lift with the push of a button. Most electric chain hoists are designed with a 4:1 safety factor and are dust and water-resistant. Some hoists feature high-efficiency motors to help limit their energy consumption.
Choosing an electric chain hoist can be tricky. It’s important to select a hoist that suits your needs and supports any future scaling you may want to do. For more information or any questions please call us at 888-990-1150 or visit www.hofequipment.com. HOF Equipment Co. is here to help. Our expert staff can walk you through each feature and help you determine which hoist will work best for you.
Electric Chain Hoist