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Aardwolf Swivel Hooks

Aardwolf SH15T Swivel Hook
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Aardwolf Swivel Hooks, models SH15T, SH30T and SH70T, are made of construction-grade steel for strength and durability. With capacities ranging from 3,307 LBS to 15,432 LBS, these swivel hooks are ideal for any lifting task. Easy to attach to forklift trucks. The Aardwolf Swivel Hooks are lightweight but heavy duty, ideal for a variety of tasks.




  • Capacity: 3307, 6614 and 15432 LBS
  • Made of construction-grade steel for strength and durability
  • Ideal product for any lifting task
  • Swivel hooks are lightweight but heavy duty


Aardwolf Swivel Hooks:
SH15T3307 LBS1.36 LBS $21.00
SH30T6614 LBS3.1 LBS $40.00
SH70T15432 LBS9 LBS $118.00

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