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Aardwolf Slab Dollies

AST01 Slab Dolly
AQT01 Quad Slab Dolly
ALM01 Panel Dolly
ABT01 Wide Slab Dolly
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Aardwolf Slab Dollies are a space-saving way to transport slabs, panels or sheets of materials around a workshop or factory floor. Each panel dolly has large solid rubber wheels, while the body has vulcanized rubber over the entire plate channel, protecting slabs from scratches or chips. Model AST01 has a support leg to enable it to stand alone, ALM01 slab dolly has one swivel caster, and AQT01 has two swivel casters. Model ABT01, which also has two swivel casters, is especially wide and has a capacity of 992 LBS, enabling it to transport larger slabs of heavy stone. All Aardwolf Panel Dollies can be easily used by a single operator.




  • Capacity: 661 LBS or 992 LBS (depending on model)
  • Rubber wheels: 8 dia. or 13.8 dia. (depending on model)
  • Features large solid rubber wheels
  • Features vulcanized rubber over clamps and base to protect slabs from chipping/scratching
  • May feature swivel caster (depending on model)


Aardwolf Slab Dollies:
SKUCapacity/Desc.Rubber WheelsSwivel CastersPlate Channel Size (W x L x H)WeightPriceQty
AST01661 LBS8" dia.---3" x 15.8" x 1.6"18 LBS $177.00
AQT01661 LBS10.4" dia.23" x 21.7" x 1.6"33 LBS $246.00
ALM01882 LBS13.8" dia.13.1" x 33.8" x 1.6"33 LBS $340.00
ABT01992 LBS13.8" dia.28.3" x 33.6" x 2"617 LBS $492.00

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