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Aardwolf FMVLA Forklift Vacuum Lifter

Aardwolf FMVLA Vacuum Lifter Forklift Attachment
Aardwolf FMVLA Fork Mounted Vacuum Lifter
Aardwolf FMVLA Vacuum Lifter
Aardwolf FMVLA Drawing
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MSRP: $14,660.00


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The Aardwolf FMVLA Forklift Vacuum Lifter is a forklift attachment for lifting, tilting and transporting smooth or rough sheet, plate and panel materials such as glass, stone, metal, concrete, plastic, wood or laminate. Powered by a 12V DC motor, this vacuum lifter features vertical-horizontal tilting from 0° to 90° and is controlled through an electric remote control. Standby time is 100 hours, charging time is 5 hours, and non-stop working time is 3 hours. Four adjustable vacuum pads, each measuring 20.5" x 12.6", can lift 1,676 LBS in the vertical position or 2,204 LBS horizontally. The pressure control system automatically activates the vacuum pump when the pressure drops lower than the allowed limit. The Aardwolf FMVLA Vacuum Lifter Forklift Attachment features an audio-visual safety system, and has a vacuum flow rate of 55.8 liters of air per minute. One or more pads may be turned off to lift smaller sheet material with included 1/4" ball valve.

Please contact HOF Equipment Company for an estimated lead time for the FMVLA Forklift Vacuum Lifter.




  • For use with smooth or rough surface sheet material such as stone slabs, concrete, plastic, wood or laminate, metal and glass (sheets of glass or metal should be greater than 12 mm thick)
  • Four adjustable vacuum pads, each measuring 20.5" x 12.6"
  • One or more pads may be turned off to lift smaller sheet material with optional 1/4" ball valve
  • 1,676 LB vertical capacity / 2,204 LB horizontal capacity
  • 0° to 90° tilting from vertical to horizontal
  • Powered by 12V DC battery, with 12V-20A charger and hand remote control. Standby time: 100 hrs / Charging cycle: 1000 times / Charging time: 5 hrs / Non-stop working time: 3 hrs
  • Acoustic and visual alarm system
  • Fork pockets on 30.7" centers
  • Weight: 606 LBS




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