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Aardwolf AVGLP4-400 Vacuum Glass Lifter

Aardwolf AVGLP4-400 Vacuum Glass Lifter
Aardwolf AVGLP4-400 Vacuum Lifter shown with parking station (not included)
Aardwolf AVGLP4-400
Aardwolf AVGLP4-400 Vacuum Glass Lifter shown with parking station (not included)
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MSRP: $5,439.00


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The Aardwolf AVGLP4-400 Vacuum Lifter attaches to an overhead lifting device and is an ideal solution for lifting, tilting and transporting smooth surface sheet material such as glass panels, sheets of porcelain, sheets of metal, and sheets of plywood. Powered by compressed air, this heavy duty vacuum lifter features pneumatic vertical-horizontal tilting from 0° to 90° using a pneumatic piston. The four circular vacuum pads measure 12" in diameter and can be adjusted to suit the material size, while the handle can also be extended for large panels. Vacuum lifter can lift 441 LBS in the vertical position or 882 LBS horizontally. The stainless steel vacuum tank ensures safety in the event of a sudden loss of power to the vacuum pump. An acoustic and visual alarm system is powered by a rechargeable 3.7V Lipo battery (5V DC adapter included) with a non-stop working time of 7 hours and a charge time of only 2 hours. The Aardwolf AVGLP4-400 Vacuum Lifter requires 5-bar air pressure and consumes 180 liters of air per minute. One or more pads may be turned off to lift smaller sheet material with included 1/4" ball valve.




  • For use with smooth surface sheet material such as glass panels, sheets of porcelain, sheets of metal, and sheets of plywood
  • Four 12" diameter adjustable vacuum pads
  • Vacuum pads are width adjustable from 36-1/4"O.D. to 63"O.D. AND height adjustable 27-3/4"O.D. to 40-1/4"O.D. - see second image above
  • 441 LB vertical capacity / 882 LB horizontal capacity
  • Extendable handle for large materials
  • 0° to 90° pneumatic tilting from vertical to horizontal; adjustable tilting speed
  • Powered by compressed air, requires 5 bar pressure, consumes 180 liters per minute
  • Acoustic and visual alarm system powered by rechargeable 3.7V lipo battery, with 5V DC adapter. Standby time: 720 hrs/ Charging cycle: 1000 times / Charging time: 2 hrs / Non-stop working time: 7 hrs
  • Slide valve with ON/OFF position for grip / release
  • Weight: 174 LBS




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